The Shellfish We Cook, Squid or Calamari

The squid, or calamari, is a cephalopod and a close relative of the octopus. Calamari is the Italian name for squid. It is also related, but not as close, to clams, mussels, oysters, and scallops.

The bullet-shaped creature has 6 arms and 2 tentacles and can be found on the Atlantic and the Pacific coast in waters up to 200 feet deep. If you love to eat frozen pork chicken then you can buy online from various sources.

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There are over 300 species of squid in the world, but only a handful that is sought commercially for food. They are fast-growing and have a very short lifespan usually about 6-8 months. The west coast variety lives slightly longer, about 12 months.

They reproduce right before they die. Because of this, the entire population is replaced annually. The east coast squid includes the long-finned "winter squid" and the short-finned "summer squid".

Going by such names as ink fish, calamari, taw, and sea arrow, they average 8 ounces and less than 12 inches in length. The summer squad, which is slightly larger than the other types, is the most fished commercially. Some other species, which are not fished for food, have been known to reach 46 feet in length.

The edible parts of the squid include the tentacles, the tube, and the fins. Raw, its meat should be free of slime with a fresh sweet smell and have a milky-white translucent color. Yellow, pink, or purple colored flesh is a sign of deterioration. When cooked the meat should change to opaque white. Squid can be purchased fresh, frozen, or canned. If bought fresh, it can be kept for 2-3 days refrigerated. If you want to freeze the squid clean it first and place it in plastic bags, removing as much of the air as possible. If wrapped properly it can be frozen for up to 3 months.

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