Dizziness Physiotherapy: What Causes It, And How Can You Treat It?

Dizziness is a common symptom that can be caused by a variety of conditions. Some causes of dizziness may be temporary, such as when you get up after sitting or when you stand up after being seated. You can navigate to Instep Physical Therapy to get more details about Dizziness Physiotherapy.

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     What Causes Dizziness?

There are many possible causes of dizziness, but most cases can be traced back to one of the following:

1. Low blood pressure or a low blood flow to the brain

2. Blood vessel problems in the brain

3. Congested veins near the brain

4. Enlargement or infection of the arteries that supply blood to the brain

    How Can You Treat Dizziness?

Dizziness can be a symptom of many different medical conditions, including Ménière's disease, stroke, and Meniere's syndrome. It can also be caused by head injury or a neurological condition like Parkinson's disease. In most cases, the cause of dizziness is unknown. However, there are several things you can do to treat it.

The first step is to determine the cause of the dizziness. If it is due to a medical condition, your doctor will be able to diagnose and treat it. If it is due to head injury or another neurological condition, your doctor may recommend treatment with medication or surgery.

Once you have determined the cause of the dizziness, you can begin treating it with medications or lifestyle changes. Medications may include anti-drowsing drugs or antidepressants that help reduce anxiety or stress levels. Lifestyle changes may involve avoiding activities that make you feel dizzy or taking steps to prevent head injuries.


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