The STOP Approach – How to Deal with Workplace Emergencies?

awareness online course first aid

Courtesy – zhl

Emergencies are unavoidable and can happen anytime at a workplace. While some accidents can never be avoided, you can be prepared to minimize their impact. And your approach to handling such emergencies will make a lot of difference to the consequences. There’s this 4-step approach that you can use to define your emergency response as a broad framework.

Here’s how it works. STOP equals Stop, Think, Organize, and Prepare

Stop Immediately

This is important for the safety of all informed in the area of the accident. You should get all the activities halted around for the safety of yourself and bystanders. Ignoring this might cause more accidents.

Think About the Cause and What Happened

You need to work towards preventing the situation from escalating, so stay cool. Take an objective decision towards who needs assistance first, considering all those injured, the extent of injuries, and the emergency services required.

Find the nearest first aid kit. Also, contact the most qualified person to handle the situation for the best results.

Organize Your Efforts

You need to stay calm, instruct everyone clearly, and organize the process of treatment. Begin with the most critically injured patients and administer first aid to them.

Prepare and Protect the Victims and Injuries

After first aid, some victims will still need proper medical treatment in a medical facility like a hospital. Ensure that the area stays clear of clutter and obstacles, and is ready for medical personnel. Keep the nonessential people away and ensure no further injury to the victims.

And, you can ensure staff goes through first aid awareness online course to ensure everyone knows the right course of action.

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