The Tour de France Cycle Race

The Tour de France is the most spectacular cycling contest worldwide, spanning more than 2,200 miles of French countryside. Professional bike riders around the world consider travel to France to take part in this race as their biggest period in their cycling careers. It is the one racing event where media outlets deliver the event to countless watching bicycling followers. The Tour de France is twenty-three days. Every phase of the race traverses idyllic French towns which symbolize the beauty of the country. A lot of of the visitors go on vacations to observe the race and enjoy the French scenery. In certain years, the Tour goes across the border of Spain or Italy. You can find good travel packages that can take you to many destinations to watch the race. Travel offers are the most useful method to book resort rooms nearby the Tour course.

There are many reasons the reason this cycle race is considered the most esteemed bicycling race in the world. For one, it is the oldest cycle race in the world. No other cycling event came before the Tour de France, so we know that most of the principles and events of cycling events comes from this particular event. The Tour de France is also the most gruelling race and also the most mentally challenging race of any athletic occasion. Participants have to ride through the extreme mountains and go through meandering roads to finish the Tour.

In spite of the success of the Tour, it's going to long be recalled from the drug tainted victories by Lance Armstrong. Armstrong's recurrent denials, fabrications and also threats long held his drug use and cheating undetectable. He was finally uncovered by whistle blowers who uncovered him at great risk to themselves. Lance Armstrong eventually confessed exactly what he did and his victories have been taken out of him. Unfortunately the Tour de France will be scared from this and remembered for this. Ideally time can recover that wound.

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