What Are The Advantages Of Tongue Tie Treatment?

Treatment for tongue-tie may involve a procedure called a frenectomy. During this procedure, a doctor or dentist will use a laser or sterile scissors to cut the band of tissue that connects the tongue to the floor of the mouth.

This will help the tongue move more freely. Other treatments may include exercises and stretching to help the tongue move better. In some cases, speech therapy may be recommended to help with speech clarity.

Here are some of the advantages of tongue tie therapy:

1. Improved breastfeeding: Treatment of tongue ties can help improve the ability of an infant to latch and breastfeed more effectively.

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2. Improved speech: This may help improve speech development, as the tongue will have more range of motion and be able to properly form sounds.

3. Oral hygiene: Treatment can help improve oral hygiene, as the tongue will be able to reach all areas of the mouth more easily.

4. Self-confidence: This can improve self-confidence, as the individual, will have improved oral function and speech.

5. Overall health: Tongue tie treatment can help improve overall health, as the person will be able to eat and speak better.

Tongue tie treatment is a safe and effective procedure with many benefits for both infants and children. It can improve breastfeeding, help with speech development, and even prevent dental issues.

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