What Are The Most Common Problems With IPhone Glass?

If you have an iPhone with glass on the front and back, your screen may be cracked or shattered. Not only is this a visual disappointment, but it can also lead to problems with the phone's functionality. Here are the most common problems and how to fix them:

1. Shattered Glass: If part of the glass shatters, iphone glass is often too damaged to repair yourself and will need to be replaced. Remove as much of the broken glass as possible using tweezers or needle-nose pliers, then soak the area in warm water for about 10 minutes to soften up any remaining shards before replacing it.

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2. Cracked Glass: If there is just a crack in the glass, you can usually fix it yourself without replacing it. Wet one side of a cloth and hold it against the crack while pressing down firmly with the other hand. Repeated applications should eventually close up the crack. If this doesn't work, you will need to replace the glass.

3. Broken Screen: If the glass breaks in two or more places, it will likely need to be replaced. Carefully remove the broken pieces and replace them with new ones using a plastic tool called a "punch." Make sure that all of the adhesive is removed from around the new screen before installing it.

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