An Overview of Burial Insurance in California

Burial insurance, also known as final expense insurance, is a type of insurance policy designed to cover funeral expenses. It is generally a whole life insurance policy with a fixed premium and a death benefit that remains in effect for the life of the insured. In California, burial insurance policies are regulated by the California Department of Insurance and are available through a variety of insurance companies. 

What Does Burial Insurance Cover? 

When purchasing California burial insurance, the policyholder typically has the option to customize the coverage to meet their individual needs. Generally, burial insurance will cover the costs of funeral services, such as a casket, burial plot, and cremation, as well as any additional fees associated with the burial, such as flowers and obituary notices. Some policies may also cover burial and funeral expenses for a spouse or other family members.


How Much Does Burial Insurance Cost? 

The cost of burial insurance in California varies depending on the policyholder’s age, health, and coverage needs. It’s important to note that the cost of the policy may increase as the policyholder gets older, as some insurance companies may charge higher premiums for older policyholders. 

How Do I Get Burial Insurance in California? 

If you’re looking to purchase burial insurance in California, you can contact a licensed insurance agent or company to learn more about the policies available and the costs associated with them. You can also compare burial insurance policies online to find the one that best fits your needs. 

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